Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Colleen--Island Triptych

North Rustico, PEI
Cavendish, PEI
Cavendish, PEI

The end of July found me in Prince Edward Island, Canada. If you've read any of L. M. Montgomery's "Anne" series, you'll know it as the setting of most of the novels. But the island has many feels, not just the romance of the red dunes and tame fields. North Rustico was a surprisingly favorite stop. More wind-torn and tied to the sea, the little village had a rough fisherman's edge to it. On the last day, we found a back way into the park that took us on a hike through pink dunes, and out to the red rock-cropping of the shore. The above photograph was taken just before a storm, and the color of the water was simply ethereal. We made it back to our car rain-soaked to the bone but happy in our adventures.